Picture of gymnast on a bar symbolizing trust as a brand value at GOLDBECK SOLAR.
Close-up picture of someone's eye looking outwards, symbolizing intelligence as a brand value at GOLDBECK SOLAR.
Picture of a medal being held symbolizing a will-to-succeed as a brand value at GOLDBECK SOLAR.
Two hands applying gripping chalk symbolizing strength as a brand value at GOLDBECK SOLAR.
Picture of a man cheering in a crowd symbolizing a customer orientated workforce as a brand value at GOLDBECK SOLAR.

Guiding Principles

Trust is at our core. Working together to sustain healthy environments – in the office and on the planet.

Brand values


  • Core value


  • Courageous inquisitiveness
  • Smart solutions for tomorrow
  • Targeting Further development
  • Experience make sense

Will to succeed

  • Exemplary willingness to perform
  • Top performance with claim
  • Efficient Dynamics
  • Targeted Ambition
  • economic success


  • Binding Statements
  • Quality from Conviction
  • Systematic and structured approach
  • Comprehensive competence
  • Cost leadership

Customer Orientation

  • Responsible Act
  • Respectful with each other
  • Reliable Services

Our Commitment. Your Advantage.

We Create Positive Energy

Let Our PV Experts Unfold Your Success

North American Solar Pioneer Since 2011